Phrase of the Month (今月のフレーズ) 英会話とーますでは『今月のフレーズ』(注)プログラムを昨年10月からスタートし 毎月最初のレッスンで先生がその月のフレーズを紹介し、使い方も説明します。 1レッスンで終る事なく、このように1ヶ月間繰返し同じフレーズを使う事によって、 12月のフレーズは"Take & Bring"です。
"Take"の訳は主に「持って行く」、 "Bring" Can you bring it to me? Yes, I'll bring
it to you. 11月のフレーズは"I'm coming."です。 10月に続いて"come"に関連したフレー Aren't you coming? Yes,
I'm coming now. Wait for me! I'm coming with you. 10月のフレーズは"Come on."です。 Come on. Let's go. Come on. You must be joking. Come on. Give me a break. 9月のフレーズは"You got it."です。 「やった〜」と思わず叫びたくなるのがこの I got it. = I understand it. I've just got here. Where did you get it? 8月のフレーズは"Just"です。 今までに見てきた"Well"や"Really"と同様に短い Just one year ago. Just
one hundred Yen. I Just finished
it. Just a
little bit. He is just
like his father. Just
like everyone does. Just
like a movie/that. He is just a friend. It’s just my idea/an example/a
piece of cake. Just do it /beat it. I was
just thinking about it/going to do it. It is just across
the street/just around the corner. (万が一に備えて、コピーはとっておいた方が良いですね。) 海外旅行に行かれる際、パスポートのコピーはお勧めです。街中に出かける時はコピー を持ち歩き、大事なパスポートはセーフティ・ボックスに預けておきましょう。 You know it's July. さあ、7月ですよ。 今月は、さらりと "You
know." を使った You
know. Do you know? Do you know July 4th? Do you know July 19th? You know tomorrow is another day. You know the walls have ears. You know how to get there, right? You know I can’t swim. You know I don’t like snakes. You know what I
mean. You know what? Do you know why? As you know, America
is a big country.
6月のフレーズは"would like to"です。 飛行機で旅行する時、機内食を選ぶ際 機内食、あなたはどちらを選びますか? What would you
like for dinner, fish or meat ? I would like to
have meat, please. Would you like to have something to drink ? I would like to have a cup of coffee. I would like to
go to Hawaii someday. I would like to see this. I would like to buy
this. I’d like to get
an “iPad”. I would like you to come with me. I would like
you to take care of this.
4・5月もフレーズと言うよりもワードは "Really
?"です。 4月1日の"April
Fool" You won the $1
million lottery!! Really? Really? You must be joking. Really ? Are you sure ? I really don’t know. Really good/big/cold/funny/tired Do you really want to buy it ? Well, not really. Ichiro is really a good player. He is really
smart. I really enjoyed
it. I
really love chocolate cake.
3月のフレーズと言うよりもワードは "Well,.
. . . . ."です。 これは主に「え〜と、 Well,………………. Well, I think it’s OK. Well, I guess you are right. Well, I don’ know what will happen. Well, I would like to start the lesson. Well, it can’t be helped. Well, I have to leave now.
2月のフレーズは"Why don't you .... ?"です。 これは、直訳すると『なぜ何々しない 時には心のつぶやき、自分自身に語りかけるように "Why don't I ..... ?"と言う場合 Why don't you join us? Why don’t you come
in ? Why don’t you have a seat ? Why don’t you have something to
drink ? Why don’t you try it ? Why don’t you come with us ? Why don’t you do it yourself ? Why don’t you relax ? Why don’t I go on a diet ? Why don’t we have a break ? Why don't we go to a movie tonight?
2010年1月のフレーズは"supposed to"です。 これは、『何々するはずだった』けど、
It is supposed to be like that. He is supposed to be here/back (wake up) by now. You are not supposed to touch it. OK? How am I supposed to know that? You are supposed to know your
wife’s birthday. What am I supposed to do (say) now ? You are not supposed to say that.
12月のフレーズは "I am looking
forward to seeing you again."(また会う事を楽
I'm looking forward to working with you again. I am looking forward to your reply. I'll be looking forward to it. We will go to Hawaii next week. Oh, good! I've been They have been looking forward to the
11月のフレーズは"NO Parking"ではなくて NO"I don't know."です。 ”アイドン
"Phrase of the Month" 第一回目(10月)に選ばれたのは、日常良く使われる言葉 日本人は良く”失礼”程度の軽い意味で、カタカナ言葉の「アイアム ソーリー」を連発 "Excuse me."は、色々な場面で使われます。 あのー、失礼、すみません、すみませ 部屋に入るとき: Excuse me. May I come in ? 咳払いをして: Excuse me. と一言。 人に道を尋ねる時: Excuse me. Do you know how I can get to the station ? 帰り際に: Excuse me, but I have to leave now. その他様々な生活シーンの中で使える大変便利なフレーズです。 例えば書店の では、皆さんも今日からこのフレーズを是非使ってみて下さい。 "Excuse me." (注)Phrase: 言い回し・慣用句